In the Media
JUNE 2024
June 2, 2024: Activists Rally At The Vancouver Art Gallery To Mark National Animal Rights Day (CBC Vancouver - 6:50)
MAY 2024
May 31, 2024: Kelowna Animal Rights Activists Make Last Pitch to Avoid Prison (Castanet)
May 31, 2024: Animal Advocates Appeal Jail Sentences for Exposing Animal Cruelty (Animal Justice)
May 31, 2024: Court Hears Sentencing Appeal for 2 Abbotsford Hog-Farm Protesters (Abbotsford News)
May 31, 2024: B.C. Animal Rights Activists Make Last Pitch to Avoid Prison for Mischief on Abbotsford Hog Farm (Vancouver Is Awesome)
May 27, 2024: Two Abbotsford Hog-Farm Protesters to Appeal Sentence (Abbotsford News)
January 18, 2024: BC Court of Appeal Upholds the Convictions of Two Vegan Activists in the Excelsior Hog Farm Case (Vegan FTA)
January 16, 2024: Canadian Court Upholds Convictions for Animal Rights Activists (One Green Planet)
January 13, 2024: B.C.’s Highest Court Dismisses Hog Farm Protesters’ Appeal (iHeart Radio)
January 13, 2024: B.C.’s Highest Court Dismisses Hog Farm Protester’s Appeal (CTV News)
January 12, 2024: Guilty Verdicts Stand For 2 Abbotsford Hog-Farm Protesters (Abbotsford News)
January 12, 2024: B.C. Hog Farm Protesters’ B&E, Mischief Appeal Dismissed (Pique News Magazine)
January 12, 2024: B.C. Court of Appeal Upholds Convictions of Animal Rights Activists (BNN Breaking)
January 12, 2024: Justice Denied: Conviction Upheld for Excelsior Farm Sit-In (Animal Justice)
January 12, 2024: B.C. Hog Farm Protesters’ B&E, Mischief Appeal Dismissed (Delta Optimist)
December 9, 2023: New Expose of Pigs’ Abuse at Excelsior Hog Farm in BC, Canada (Vegan FTA)
December 31, 2023: Nueva denuncia del maltrato de cerdos en la granja porcina Excelsior Hog Farm de la Columbia Británica Canadá (Vegan FTA)
November 25, 2023: BC Pig Farm Accused of Cruelty—Again (Vancouver Humane Society)
November 24, 2023: What Wayne Hsiung, Mercy for Animals, & Others did for Thanksgiving (Animals 24/7)
November 23, 2023: B.C. Appeal Court Hears Abbotsford Hog Farm Protesters’ Case (Vancouver Is Awesome)
November 23, 2023: Awaiting Decision on Appeal For Re-Trial of Convicted B.C. Hog Farm Activists (Victoria News)
November 22, 2023: ‘Trial Judge Erred’: Convicted B.C. Hog Farm Activists Appeal Decision (Surrey Now-Leader)
November 22, 2023: Widespread Biosecurity Risks at Excelsior Pig Farm in British Columbia (Animal Justice)
November 20, 2023: ‘Ongoing Suffering’: Group Calls for Cameras in Barns to Protect Farm Animals (National Observer)
November 17, 2023: B.C. Hog Farm Accused of Animal Cruelty After New Video Released (CTV News)
November 17, 2023: Animal Abuse Footage From Abbotsford Hog Farm Said to be Among Worst in Canada (Daily Hive)
November 16, 2023: Abbotsford Hog Farm Faces More Animal-Cruelty Allegations (Abbotsford News)
November 16, 2023: ‘Abused, Injured and Rotting’: B.C. Hog Farm Faced Renewed Cruelty Claims (Vancouver Is Awesome)
November 16, 2023: Fraser Valley Hog Farm Faces Renewed Cruelty Claims (Castanet)
November 16, 2023: New Complaint of Alleged Animal Cruelty On Excelsior Hog Farm Received by BC SPCA (BC SPCA)
November 16, 2023: Exposed Again: Abused, Injured, & Rotting Pigs at BC Farm (Animal Justice)
November 2, 2023: Biosecurity Bill’s Jurisdiction Questioned (Farmtario)
November 2, 2023: The Catch-22 On Animal Activism (Manitoba Co-Operator)
October 23, 2023: B.C. Animal Rights Activists Disrupt SPCA Fundraiser (Vancouver Is Awesome)
JULY 2023
July 9, 2023: Activist Calls For CCTV Systems in B.C. Farm Animal Barns (Vancouver Is Awesome)
JUNE 2023
June 14, 2023: New Bill Would Silence Those Who Shed Light On Animal Cruelty (Vancouver Humane Society)
MAY 2023
May 11, 2023: Convicted Animal Rights Activists in British Columbia Appeal Their Jail Sentences (Vegan FTA)
May 1, 2023: B.C. Animal Rights Activists Appeal Convictions, Jail Sentences (Vancouver Is Awesome)
May 1, 2023: Abbotsford Hog-Farm Protesters Appeal Break-and-Enter Convictions (Abbotsford News)
May 1, 2023: Kelowna-Based Animal Rights Activists Appeal Convictions, Jail Sentences (Castanet)
May 1, 2023: The Timeline of the Animal Rights Movement: Part Two (Ethical Globe)
May 1, 2023: Abbotsford Hog Farm Protesters Appeal Convictions (Clearwater Times)
May 1, 2023: Animal Activists Appeal Break-and-Enter, Mischief Convictions and 30-Day Jail Sentences for Exposing Animal Cruelty at Excelsior Hog Farm (Press Release)
APRIL 2023
April 28, 2023: BC Animal Advocates Appeal Jail Sentence for Excelsior Pig Farm Exposé (Animal Justice)
January 6, 2023: Israeli Police Response to Animal Rights a Start Contrast to That of B.C. Police (Kelowna Capital News)
November 3, 2022: Canadian Activists Sentenced for Exposing Animal Cruelty (Mercy for Animals)
October 27, 2022: Canada is Falling Behind Other Countries in the Treatment of Farmed Animals (The Globe And Mail)
October 27, 2022: Two Recent Court Cases Shift the Future of the Animal Rights Movement (Sentient Media)
October 20, 2022: Two Abbotsford Hog-Farm Protesters Appeal Their Convictions (Today in BC)
October 18, 2022: Guilty of Compassion: Canadian Advocates Sentenced To Jail For Exposing Animal Cruelty (Medium)
October 16, 2022: Animal Activists Disrupted BCSPCA Gala, Demanding it Steps Down From Animal Law Enforcement on Farms (Canada News Media)
October 16, 2022: Activists Disrupt BC SPCA Gala (CTV News)
October 13, 2022: Animal Rights Activists Sentenced to Time in Jail for 2019 Protest at B.C. Hog Farm (CBC News)
October 13, 2022: Exposing Animal Abuse May Land Canadian Farm Activists in Jail (Mother Jones)
October 13, 2022: 2 Animal Rights Activists Sentenced to Prison For Peaceful Occupation of Pig Factory (VGT Austria)
October 13, 2022: Excelsior Hog Farm Protest Leaders Soranno & Schafer Get 30 Days Each (Animals 24/7 News)
October 12, 2022: Amy & Nick’s Sentencing:
Animal Rights Activists Jailed Over Sit-in Protest at Hog Farm (National Observer)
B.C. Animal Rights Activists Handed Jail Time for Roles in Hog Farm Protest (CTV News)
Animal Activists Jailed for Installing Cameras in Metro Vancouver Pig Farm (Daily Hive)
Animal Rights Protesters Jailed For Abbotsford Pig Farm Break-In (North Shore News)
Two Abbotsford Hog-Farm Protesters Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail (Abbotsford News)
Animal Rights Protesters From Kelowna Get Jail for Hog Farm ‘Occupation' (InfoTel News)
Kelowna-Based ‘Excelsior 4’ Animal Activists Receive 30-Day Jail Sentences (KamloopsNow)
Kelowna Animal Rights Activists Jailed 30 Days for Occupation of Fraser Valley Hog Farm (Castanet)
Activists Who Exposed Animal Cruelty at Excelsior Hog Farm in 2019 Receive 30-Day Jail Sentence (Canada News Media)
Animal Rights Activists Handed Jail Time for Roles in Hog Farm Protest (iHeart Radio)
Animal Rights Protesters Jailed for Abbotsford Pig Farm Break-in (New Westminster Record)
Excelsior 4 Update: BC Animal Advocates Receive Shocking Jail Sentence (Animal Justice)
2 People Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail in Excelsior Hog Farm Trial (PETA)
Watch News Conference with Canadian Animal Rights Activists After Being Sentenced to Jail (Unchained TV)
Activists Who Exposed Animal Cruelty at Excelsior Hog Farm in 2019 Receive 30-Day Jail Sentence (All-Creatures)
Amy Soranno & Nick Schafer Speak Before Their Sentencing - Part 2 (Animal Voices Vancouver)
October 11, 2022: Animal Rights Activists Are Escalating Tactics To Expose ‘Systemic Abuse’ In Factory Farms. Has it backfired? (National Observer)
October 11, 2022: Two Animal Rights Activists Await Wednesday Sentencing (Unicorn Riot)
October 11, 2022: Animal Activists Await Sentencing (Canada Today)
October 9, 2022: British Columbia Verdict Pending (Animals 24/7 News)
September 27, 2022: Can the Ham! Pro-Vegan PETA Spot Hits Airwaves Ahead of Thanksgiving (PETA)
August 8, 2022: Sentencing Hearing August 26 for Activists Convicted of Indictable Offences for Exposing Animal Cruelty at Excelsior Hog Farm in 2019 (Press Release)
August 10, 2022: Increases Repression Against The Animal Rights Movement (Nietzsche's Horse)
August 10, 2022: Sentencing Hearing for Activists Convicted for Exposing Animal Cruelty at Excelsior Hog Farm (Canada News Media)
August 22, 2022: Disobeying Unjust Laws (A Kynd Life Podcast)
August 26, 2022: Amy & Nick’s Sentencing Hearing:
Sentencing Hearing for Activists Convicted for Exposing Animal Cruelty at Excelsior Hog Farm (Media Advisory)
Sentencing Hearing Begins for Activists (CTV News)
Sentencing Hearing Begins for Two Convicted in Abbotsford Hog Farm Protest (Global News)
Excelsior 4 Speak to Media Prior to Sentencing Hearing in Abbotsford (Abbotsford News)
Live at the Abbotsford Law Courts Press Conference for Amy & Nick’s Sentencing (Animal Voices Radio)
Live at the Abbotsford Law Courts After Sentencing Hearing (Animal Voices Radio)
Shocking Outcome Near the Conclusion of Sentence Hearing for Canadian Activists (Unchained TV)
August 29, 2022: Activists Protest the Ministry of Agriculture in Light of Excelsior Hog Farm Case (DxE Vancouver Island)
JULY 2022
July 1, 2022: The Trial of Fighting for Justice for Animals, with the #Excelsior4 and PETA’s Ingrid Newkirk (Animal Voices Radio)
July 8, 2022: Jury Deliberations Began Friday in the Excelsior Hog Farm Animal Rights Trial (Unicorn Riot)
July 9, 2022: Jury Deciding Fate of B.C. Animal Rights Activists After Hog Farm Protest (CTV News)
July 9, 2022: Two B.C. Animal Rights Activists Convicted For Roles in Hog Farm Protest (CTV News)
July 9, 2022: Two Convicted For Roles in Abbotsford Hog Farm Protest (Abbotsford News)
July 9, 2022: Animal Rights Activists Convicted For Hog Farm Protest (iHeart Radio)
July 10, 2022: Two Animal Activists Convicted For Hog Farm Protest (Bay St. Post)
July 11, 2022: Jury Convicted Two Activists of Break-and-Enter and Mischief, Acquitted a Third, for Their Role in Exposing Animal Cruelty (Canada News Media)
July 11, 2022: No Justice for Pigs: Two Animal Advocates Convicted in Excelsior 4 Jury Trial (Animal Justice)
July 11, 2022: Closing Arguments in Jury Trial Against Three Activists Who Exposed Animal Cruelty at Excelsior Hog Farm (Canada News Media)
July 12, 2022: Two Animal Rights Activists Found Guilty, Face Sentencing of up to 10 Years (Unicorn Riot)
July 13, 2022: Hog Farm Invaders Convicted (Country Life in BC)
July 22, 2022: Animal Welfare Trial in Canada: Imprisonment for Occupying an Animal Factory (Tierrechtsradio)
July 22, 2022: Highway and Newspaper Appeals Champion Whistleblowers Who Exposed Cruel Farm (PETA Press Release)
JUNE 2022
June 10, 2022: Three Animal Rights Advocates Face Trial Over 2019 Hog Farm Occupation (Unicorn Riot, video)
June 24, 2022: Kelowna Animal Rights Activist Among 3 Faced with Jury Trial (Castanet)
June 24, 2022: Abbotsford Hog Farm Protestors Going to Trial on Monday (The Abbotsford News)
June 24, 2022: Meet 3 Animal Activists Facing Years in Jail after Exposing Pigs Suffering! (Unchained TV)
June 24, 2022: Encore Show: The Excelsior 4 Trial Starts Next week ~ Exclusive on Pre-Trial (Animal Voices Radio)
June 26, 2022: Freedom of Species (3CR Community Radio)
June 26, 2022: EXCELSIOR 4 (YouTube: Vegan Diye Biri)
June 27, 2022: Four-Week Trial Begins for Abbotsford, B.C. Hog Farm Protesters (Global News)
June 27, 2022: Animal Activists Plead Not Guilty As Jury Trial Begins on Mischief, Break-and-Enter Charges (CTV News)
June 27, 2022: Crown Says 3 Accused Placed Hidden Cameras on Abbotsford Hog Farm Weeks Before Protest (The Abbotsford News)
June 27, 2022: Opinion: "No Justice" For Those Who Exposed Animal Cruelty at Abbotsford Hog Farm (Daily Hive News)
June 27, 2022: Animal Activists Plead Not Guilty as Jury Trial Begins (iHeart Radio)
June 27, 2022: Trial Begins For Abbotsford, BC Hog Farm Protesters (C-Fox)
June 27, 2022: Abbotsford Trial Pits Activists Against Hog Farm, the Police, and the BCSPCA (Global News)
June 27, 2022: 4 Week Trial for 3 Canadian Animal Activists Begins Today (Unchained TV)
June 29, 2022: Abbotsford Farmer Says 2019 Protest at Hog Farm Was ‘Hard to Deal With’ (Blackpress Media)
MAY 2022
May 2, 2022: Crown Drops Charges Against Activist Who Blew the Whistle on Animal Cruelty at Excelsior Hog Farm (Press Release)
May 2, 2022: Caught-On-Camera Pig Farm Case: Charges Stayed Against B.C. Activist (CTV News)
May 2, 2022: Crown Drops Charges On One of Four Abbotsford Hog Protestors (The Abbotsford News)
May 2, 2022: Criminal Charges Dropped Against One Abbotsford Hog-Farm Activist (Castanet)
May 2, 2022: Pig Farm Case: Charges Stayed Against BC Activist (iHeartRadio)
May 2, 2022: Excelsior 4 Now Three–Charges Dropped For One of the Abbotsford Hog Farm Protesters–Trial Start June 27 (Fraser Valley News)
APRIL 2022
April 1, 2022: Activists Protest Inside B.C. SPCA Office, Demand Changes to Animal Cruelty Investigations (CTV News)
April 1, 2022: Animal Activists Occupied the B.C. SPCA's Head Office, Calling For Changes to Cruelty Investigations (iHeart Radio)
April 4, 2022: Activists Arrested After “Sit-in” at SPCA Headquarters, Demand Adequate Enforcement at Factory Farms (Fraser Valley News)
April 5, 2022: Activists Launch Sit-In At BCSPCA, Calling Attention to Inadequate Enforcement of Animal Cruelty Laws (Canada News Media)
April 5, 2022: Fundraiser Launched to Cover Legal Fees for Protesters Charged In BC Farm Occupation (Daily Hive News)
April 8, 2022: A Fortnight of Pre-trial for the Excelsior 4 Activists, plus BSPCA Denies Request for a Peaceful Conversation (Animal Voices Radio)
April 11, 2022: Officials Attempt to Convict Activists Over Excelsior Hog Farm Disruption (PETA)
MARCH 2022
March 4, 2022: #TheExcelsior4 Attend Court Ahead of Pre-Trial Hearing Beginning This Month (The Brooks Institute)
March 22, 2022: Activists Who Exposed Animal Cruelty at Excelsior Hog Farm in Abbotsford Begin Pretrial Hearing on March 28 (Press Release)
March 23, 2022: Abbotsford hog-farm protestors’ pretrial begins on Monday (The Abbotsford News)
March 27, 2022: Pretrial for “Excelsior 4”, Protesters on Abbotsford Hog Farm Starts Monday March 28 (Fraser Valley News)
March 28, 2022: Pre-Trial for the Excelsior 4.
Abbotsford Hog-Farm Activists Call Criminal Charges 'A Mockery of Justice' (New Westminster Record)
Pre-Trial Hearing Underway for Activists Charged After B.C. Pig Farm Video Prompted Protest (CTV News)
Start of Preliminary Hearings in the Trial of 4 Animal Cruelty Activists (CBC National)
Kelowna Woman’s Pre-Trial Begins for Abbotsford Hog-Farm Protest (Kelowna Capital News)
FVN AM News: Excelsior 4 Hog Farm Pretrial (Fraser Valley News)
Pre-Trial For Activists Charged After B.C. Pig Farm Protest (iHeart Radio)
B.C. Hog-Farm Activists Call Criminal Charges ‘A Mockery of Justice’ (Castanet)
The 'Excelsior 4' Are Facing 21 Combined Charges in Relation to a Protest at Excelsior Hog Farm (Vancouver is Awesome)
Abbotsford Hog Farm Activists Facing Charges Related to a Large Protest at Abbotsford Hog Farm in 2019 (Alaska Highway News)
Kelowna Animal Rights Activist Makes Court Appearance for Abbotsford Hog-Farm Protest (Castanet)
March 30, 2022: Abbotsford Hog-Farm Protestors Launch GoFundMe for Legal Fees (The Progress)
August 4, 2021: Amid suspicions over animal welfare, BC SPCA points to gaps in accountability (The Abbotsford News)
August 5, 2021: BCSPCA Admits It's Unfit to Enforce Animal Cruelty at Factory Farms in BC, According to Newly Disclosed Documents (Press Release)
August 9, 2021: Trial Dates Set for the Excelsior 4.
Trial Date Set for Activists Who Exposed Animal Cruelty at Excelsior Hog Farm in Abbotsford (Canada News Media)
Trial date set for activists linked to Abbotsford hog farm protest (BC Local News)
UPDATE – Abbotsford Excelsior Hog Farm Court Case – Trial Date for Four Accused Set for June 2022, Pre-Trial March 2022 (Fraser Valley News)
APRIL 2021
April 5, 2021: Animal Activist facing 21 Charges for peaceful action at Excelsior Hog Farm in BC (Plant Powered Radio)
December 17, 2020: PETA Launches Full-Page Appeal to Consumers: Let Peace Begin on Your Plate (PETA)
November 2, 2020: Second court hearing, Excelsior 4 plead ‘not guilty.’
Okanagan activist says she will fight charges related to occupation of Fraser Valley pig farm (Castanet)
Abbotsford hog-farm protestors plead not guilty to 21 charges (The Abbotsford News)
4 activists plead not guilty in charges connected to hidden camera pig farm video (CTV News)
November 7, 2020: Roy interviewed on Animal Voices Radio.
BCSPCA and the Excelsior 4 engage in face-to-face conversation this week on unanswered questions (Vancouver Co-op Radio)
October 1, 2020: Factory Farm Investigators Face Off With Unlikely Rival (Sentient Media)
October 25, 2020: Who Watches the Watchmen? It is time to rethink animal law enforcement in B.C. (Animal Protection Party of Canada)
September 3, 2020: First court hearing.
Four Abbotsford pig-farm activists now facing 21 charges after first court appearance (The Abbotsford News)
Animal rights activists stage protests outside Abbotsford courthouse and SPCA (CBC)
September 11, 2020: Amy interviewed on Animal Voices Radio.
The Abbotsford Pig Trial with Criminally-Charged Activist Amy Soranno (Vancouver Co-op Radio)
August 7, 2020: Excelsior 4 charges announced.
Four activists face charges linked to 2019 Abbotsford hog-farm protest (The Abbotsford News)
August 14, 2020: Amy interviewed about their charges.
Kelowna animal rights activist speaks out amid charges in 2019 Abbotsford hog-farm protest (Kelowna Capital News)
JUNE 2020
June 25, 2020: Amy gives a lecture at UBC
June 26, 2020: Amy interviewed by Sentient Media
MAY 2020
May 15, 2020: Amy interviewed on Liberation Hour Radio (Vancouver Co-op Radio)
February 28, 2020: Amy presents a talk at the Animal Liberation Conference in Toronto
October 30, 2019: BC Agriculture Council and government team up to take action against animal activists following ‘Meat the Victims.’
Parties unite on trespass issue (Country Life in BC)
MLA Laurie Throness introduces a bill to increase penalties for trespassing on farms (Mission City Record)
October 31, 2019: Cracking down on farm trespassers (Farms.com)
August 7, 2019: Amy speaks at the Victoria VegFest
August 12, 2019: The BCSPCA reopens Excelsior’s case after hidden camera footage was submitted.
August 14, 2019: BC SPCA to reopen review into cruelty charges for Abbotsford pig farm (Daily Hive News)
August 16, 2019:
Hidden camera video footage from Excelsior Hog Farm is released (Victoria News)
Protesters target Langley Ribfest, a Rotary fundraiser (Aldergrove Star)
August 17, 2019: Langley Ribfest met with protesters (The Abbotsford News)
JULY 2019
July 15, 2019: ‘I’m ME, Not MEAT’ Bus Ads Up After Video Shows Dying Pigs at Excelsior Hog Farm (PETA)
July 17, 2019: PETA Hits Back As Excelsior Hog Farm Dodges Charges (PETA)
MAY 2019
May 2, 2019:
Retired cop puts himself on other side of protest lines (The Daily Courier)
Chilling Footage From Inside a Canadian Pig Farm (Sentient Media)
May 4, 2019: Unprecedented Animal Rights Protest at Pig Farm (Sentient Media)
May 12, 2019: Testing the Line: As Animal Rights Activists Push Legal Boundaries, Canada Considers What Makes a Terrorist (The Intercept)
May 16, 2019: Fifty activists occupy B.C. hog barn (The Western Producer)
May 24, 2019:
Who stands for agriculture when peaceful protest crosses the line? (The London Free Press)
May 29, 2019:
B.C. SPCA won't recommend charges against Abbotsford pig farm (CBC)
SPCA not recommending charges after investigating video from B.C. pig farm (CTV News)
BC SPCA says no charges against Abbotsford hog farm (The Abbotsford News)
BC SPCA won't recommend cruelty charges for Abbotsford pig farm (Daily Hive News)
No charges after footage released by PETA of pigs at Abbotsford farm (CityNews Radio)
May 31, 2019:
Animal Farmers Press Charges Against Activists, Cruelty Continues (Sentient Media)
APRIL 2019
April 1, 2019: Fraser Valley hog farm targeted by hidden cameras (Vancouver Sun)
April 2, 2019: Hidden cameras discovered on Abbotsford pig farm (The Abbotsford News)
April 23, 2019: Misery and Slow Death for Pigs Crated in Filthy Factory in British Columbia (PETA)
April 23, 2019:
Pig Farm Conditions Exposed in Secret Video (CTV News)
April 24, 2019:
‘Alarm bells’ raised by footage allegedly from Abbotsford pig farm, SPCA says (The Abbotsford News)
Countless Dead Piglets and Lame, Dying Pigs Found on Abbotsford Pig ‘Farm’ (PETA)
PETA releases footage of alleged pig abuse at Lower Mainland farm (Vancouver Courier)
April 24, 2019:
Shocking scene at pig farm (Castanet) - Marcie Moriarty of the BCSPCA said the footage “did not demonstrate anything near a best practice in fact, some of shots could potentially reflect a violation of the law.”
BC SPCA to investigate 'horrific' footage shot at Abbotsford pig farm (Daily Hive News) - Marcie Moriarty of the BCSPCA said footage like this “absolutely would suggest violations of the legislation under the code of practice for pigs.”
April 24, 2019:
April 24, 2019: Excelsior Hog Farm sends their pigs to Johnston's slaughterhouse, which claims to work only with suppliers raising pigs under a "clear standard of care" and according to "best treatment practices."
PETA releases horrific footage of alleged pig abuse at Lower Mainland farm (Vancouver is Awesome)
April 25, 2019:
Don’t judge Abbotsford hog farm before investigation, pork producers group says (The Abbotsford News)
B.C. SPCA investigates footage showing dead and dying pigs (Vancouver Sun)
April 28, 2019: 200 activists descend on Excelsior Hog Farm for the ‘Meat the Victims’ event, sparked by release of the PETA video.
Animal rights activists occupy B.C. pig farm over abusive conditions allegedly caught on video (Global News)
Disturbing images captured at Abbotsford pig farm (Global News)
Hundreds of animal rights activists descend on Abbotsford hog farm (Global News)
Protesters, counter-protesters gather at Abbotsford pig farm (CTV News)
Activists enter Abbotsford pig farm after 'troubling' footage emerges (CBC)
Animal-rights activists occupy Abbotsford pig farm (Times Colonist)
Dozens of animal-rights activists hold demonstration at Abbotsford hog farm (Georgia Straight)
One person arrested at protest at B.C. hog farm at centre of PETA video (The Daily Courier)
One arrested as B.C. police remove protesters from barn at hog farm allegedly shown in PETA video (The Globe and Mail)
Police remove protesters from barn at Abbotsford farm allegedly shown in PETA video (Toronto Star)
Police remove protesters (Castanet)
Animal rights activist arrested after protest at Abbotsford pig farm (CityNews Radio)
One person arrested at protest at Abbotsford pig farm (The Free Press)
Hundreds protest at B.C. hog farm after a video shows dead piglets and live pigs with lacerations (National Post)
Police remove protesters from Abbotsford hog farm allegedly shown in PETA video (Vancouver Sun)
One person arrested at protest at B.C. hog farm at centre of PETA video (The Daily Courier)
Hundreds of Activists Unveil Cruelty at a Pig Farm in British Columbia (Sentient Media)
April 29, 2019: Sgt. Judy Bird said the Abbotsford PD will be recommending charges against Amy. Police continue to investigate.
Arrest made after 200 people stage protest at Abbotsford pig farm (Daily Hive News)
One person arrested at protest at B.C. hog farm at centre of PETA video (Vancouver is Awesome)
How a B.C. cop crossed the protest line for animal rights (Vancouver Sun)
Agassiz dairy farmer speaks out against pig protest (The Abbotsford News)
April 30, 2019: Meat The Victims animal rights group invade Abbotsford farm (The Abbotsford News)
MARCH 2019
March 22, 2019: Workers discover hidden cameras at Excelsior Hog Farm.
Fraser Valley hog farm targeted by hidden cameras (Vancouver Sun)
Hidden cameras discovered on Abbotsford pig farm (The Abbotsford News)